Adam's Bookshelf

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers - Daily Reflections
Providing a hands-on way to practice mindfulness with children, this book offers 100 innovative activities for primary teachers to incorporate reflective and meditative practice into their classroom.
Designed for everyday use, 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Daily Reflections is the perfect guide for teachers wanting to promote and encourage mental health and emotional wellbeing within the classroom through reflective activities that will help prompt insightful discussions. Featuring 100 meditations that are prefaced with quotes from significant historical figures such as the Dalai Lama, Socrates and many more, the reflective activities cover topics such as wisdom, love, present moment awareness, perseverance, living in the now, being calm, kindness to self and kindness to others. Each idea helps children to reflect on one of these particular topics, improve their focus and self-regulate their emotions.